For the past few weeks, I’ve been eating like crap. I hate it. My past four meals have consisted of McDonalds and I feel gross. In that time, I’ve been consuming smaller quantities of food, but eating smaller quantities of McDonalds isn’t an accomplishment in my mind.
I’m in the midst of my annual allergy-induced coughing fit. I don’t want to increase my mucus production, so I’m trying to avoid dairy. This throws off my morning bowl of cereal, because I’m worried about the milk. I haven’t been leaving myself enough time to make an egg sandwich, so I’ve gotten in the habit of swinging by McDonalds and picking up 2 sausage biscuits ($1 apiece) and a large Diet Coke ($0.79). One biscuit fills me up, so I’ve been eating the other as my lunch. According to the website, that’s 430 calories per meal. I’ve completely cut out ordering fries. Last night, I had 2 cheeseburgers and a grilled chicken chipotle snack wrap…a total of 860 calories.
I guess that I only had around 2000 calories yesterday, but 2000 calories at McDonalds seems so unhealthy. True, it could be worse…I could have eaten twice as much, I guess, but it still makes me feel gross.