What a wedding…

I went to Ben and Liza’s wedding today.  It was nice, but St. John’s Catholic Church doesn’t have air conditioning and the temp was in the mid-90s outside.  The church was absolutely broiling, so the hour long ceremony (with Mass…) was not that pleasant.  They make a wonderful couple, though, and I’m so happy for…

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And the bubble bursts

The past couple of weeks have really been dragging along. I’ve been drained by the time I get home from work, haven’t been going to bed early enough, and have been running super-late getting Daniel to daycare. I went to bed relatively early last night, but couldn’t fall asleep. Finally fell asleep around 12 or…

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So tired…

I didn’t go to bed until close to 3:00 last night… Or, rather, I didn’t get to sleep until then. I laid down around 12:30, starting to drift off at 12:45. Then Daniel woke up crying. By the time I got him to sleep again, it was 1:30 and I was wide awake again. I…

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Emotionally drained

Having someone pissed off with you because they are overly emotional and can’t have an argument without taking it as a personal attack really sucks.  My personality, wanting everyone to like me, makes it difficult to just write someone off, so instead I relive the conversations over and over in my head.  It’s so draining….

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Long time, no post…

I know, posts have been few and far between in the last couple of weeks.  There really hasn’t been much exciting news to write about, though.  I’m currently visiting the family in Carbondale, but will probably head back home later today.  Work has been slow.  Daniel recovered very well from his surgery and seems to…

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Back to work

After four days off, it’s back to work tomorrow.  Ben and Angie’s wedding was nice over the weekend, Daniel came through his surgery with no problems yesterday, I had a decent optometrist appointment today, and I’ve already got plans for dinner with Josh and Kelly for Thursday, so the week’s been going fine so far. …

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Better second half…

So, this week totally sucked…up to about 2:00 yesterday.  My supervisor told me how bad I was doing at my job first thing yesterday morning, caused by a string of miscommunications, exaggerations, and half-truths.  It was total BS and made me want to walk out the door.  So, how was yesterday afternoon better, you might…

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