Hello, IT. Have you tried turning it off and on again?

As I was walking back into the office from lunch, a grad student stopped me. He told me that he was having problems with the video conferencing unit in the conference room down the hall, which I had shown him how to use yesterday. He said “I can’t hear the other people.” I asked him if the speakers were plugged in and turned on. He said yes. I asked if the other end had their microphone muted, at which time he told me that he was able to hear them fine, but that they couldn’t hear him. So we walked into the room, he showed me how he turned on the mic, by pressing the button so that the red light came on. I just sighed, told him that, as I had said yesterday, the red light indicates that the mic is muted, turned around, and walked out. But, as I’ve been told repeatedly, “Any student should be able to install a new hard drive.” *sigh*

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