Warm and fuzzy

I think I mentioned being a CAL admin on here before, but I’ll go into some detail, just in case.

CAL is the Cyberathlete Amateur League, the amateur arm of the Cyberathlete Professional League (CPL).  CAL hosts lots of different games, including Counter Strike: Source, for which I’m an admin.  There are four divisions within CS:S, named Open, Intermediate, Main, and Invite.  Open consists of something like 2000 teams at the start of the season, Intermediate has about 250, Main has about 50, and Invite has about 10.  Each game in CAL has a Game Manager.  The Game Manager is responsible for overseeing all aspects of that particular game.  He designates Division Managers for each of the four listed divisions.  These Division Managers hire admins to assist them.  Intermediate, Main, and Invite have fewer admins than Open, as there are far fewer teams playing in those divisions.  The admins for the upper divisions have usually cut their teeth in Open, so most new people are hired into Open.  I was hired as an Open admin.

My responsibilities include manning two different avenues for live support, a web-based PHP chat program and an IRC support channel.  I’m also responsible for handling any general (non-cheating) disputes that arise from the 500-1000 matches played each Monday.  Since I was hired, we’ve had something like 110 disputes come in.  I’ve handled 75 of them.  I’ve been working my ass off.  One of the other guys who was hired the same night has been putting in as much time, if not more, in the support channels, but I’m not far behind.

Today, the Intermediate DM asked the GM about getting an admin to help out and I kind of volunteered.  The response was “lol.  i don’t want to screw over Open.”  It made me feel good that someone actually recognized how hard I’ve been working on it.  Perhaps there will be a promotion within Open next season.  🙂

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