Author: Flashodad
CAL update
I quit my CAL admin job tonight, likely for good. As I mentioned before, I didn’t have the time to dedicate to it. I found out that several of the peopl...
Average hours (12/16)
0, 10, 15, 10 Average = 7 Need four 30 hour weeks and one 25 hour week to get to my 20 hour average. Daniel getting sick this week put a crimp in my plan. ...
Average hours (12/9)
0, 10, 15 Average = 8.33 This post (and the subsequent weekly posts) is really for my own tracking. I don’t really have anywhere better to make my own not...
Keeping in touch
I’ve always maintained that I’m bad at keeping in touch with people because I don’t want to risk bothering them. I’m not so sure that&#...
Winds of change
I did the youth service on my own today…I wish I’d been a bit more prepared, but I handled myself alright. I have a really hard time reading the you...
Fall CCSP 2007
Today was CCSP day…Dave reminded me of it yesterday when he sent out the CCSP Bingo sheets. I’m glad he reminded me, because my SMS reminder showed...
Busy weekend
Sunday, I helped with the youth service, drove out to Allerton Park with my friends, drove up to pick up Daniel, then topped it off with a Church Council meetin...
Question for this week
What does God want me to do with my anger?