Blue like Jazz

I started reading this book about two weeks ago.  Blue like Jazz by Donald Miller.  It’s an interesting look at Christian Spirituality…he calls it Christian Spirituality rather than Christianity because of the negative image that society has toward “Christians”.  It really hits home on a lot of things and every chapter seems like he’s writing it directed toward me…I highly recommend it to people who believe in God/Jesus, but find it hard to call themselves a Christian.

It has inspired me to try to start a group at my church for people my age who are interested in exploring their faith…and who want “more” than what they’ve currently got.  I can’t really explain what I’m going for, which is why I’m not ready to start yet, but I’m working on it.

1 Comment

  1. friggin’ amazing book ‘eh?!? =) Couldn’t finish up Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell, but THAT BOOK – DONE! 😉 I almost forgot I’ve got Painted Deserts in my room, I need to go grab that and fall asleep 😉

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