new title: Youth Leader

I think I’ve managed to get myself appointed as the Youth Leader at my church…I had asked about helping out with the Senior High youth group, as our pastor was going to step down as leader of that group and the next thing I know, I’m in charge of a new worship service aimed at youth.  I’m still not sure if the Sunday evening youth group is going to exist after this, but I really hope so.

The first thought that went through my head when I heard the details of the “youth worship service” was “I’m not high-energy enough for this…”

Part of the service is going to be a “DJ session”, where the kids take turns being the DJ for a week.  The problem is that my Christian music collection isn’t really current and isn’t nearly as diverse as I’d like.  I’ve started acquiring music from a few sources to try to broaden my collection and see what I’m interested in buying, but I don’t have the startup capital to go out and buy a bunch of CDs.  I highly doubt that I’ll have any sort of budget through the church for this, either, so we may have to do things outside of the box for the time being.

As the Youth Leader, I also have a position on the Church Council…I can already tell that I’m going to ruffle a bunch of feathers, as there are several people who want to keep things the way they’ve always been done, not realizing that the way they’ve always done it is going to eventually force the church to close.   It should be an interesting ride…

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